fantastic villas

My sense of direction always lead me to the beach


Spend a beautiful vacation, at these most beautiful, elegant apartments on the beach of Villa Ivana. Simply, relax and enjoy the beautiful summer in Croatia. We are the very first beach house that is touching the shores of the Adriatic Sea, in our area. It is granted, that you will enjoy the sun, time to time breezes, and refreshing Adriatic Sea beachfront at Villa Ivana.

Spend vacation on a beach


      Have you ever spent a vacation on a beach? Want to getaway from the chaotic city life? Redeem yourself by making a simple reservation with villa Ivana in Croatia's most refreshing atmosphere. Especially, in villa Ivana's bay, during the scorchering summer. Descend just a few meters, then be touching the most refreshing part of the Adriatic Sea.

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