Villa ivana hours of operation
Villa ivana hours of operation
valid from:
П'ятниця, 1 Травень, 2015
valid through:
Неділя, 1 Листопад, 2015
Check-in time is from 2:00pm. Early check-in cannot be guaranteed and is subject to availability. If we have other guests checking out on your day of arrival the Check-in time is after 14:00 (2pm).
Check-out time is prior to 11:30 (11:30am). Late check-out can be arranged but is subject to availability. If other guests are scheduled to check in on the same day of your departure then we cannot arrange late check out.
High season for Villa Ivana are the months of July to the end of August. Prices are highest during this season due to high demand
Low season for Villa Ivana are the months of June and September. Prices are average during this season due to moderate demand
Pre season for Villa Ivana in the month of May. Prices are lowest during this season due to less demand. Special discounted offers or packages can be arranged with management for this month
Post season for Villa Ivana is the month of October. Prices are lowest during this season due to less demand. Special discounted offers or packages can be arranged with management for this month