
# of people in every villa

Nicht definiert

     In the first place, apartment 1 it can hold an immaculate number of eight people, which is equivalent to costing about E210. Apartment 1 is on the top floor, cherished and loved by every guest. The full season is from July 1st to August 31st. Every guest primarily enjoy these villas because they are just tiptoes away from the Adriatic Sea, we are the closest house touching the most refreshing part of the briny in a few steps down. Experience the finest luxury of getting the darkest tan, in over a week stay at Villa Ivana.

Croatian luxury beachfront

Nicht definiert

     Located in Central Europe with unlimited tourist potential, Croatia is ranked as one of the most visited in Europe and has safe international destinations. It is also one of the most tropical and diverse, filled with so much beauty, an exuberance of wild sea life and comfortable  tanning layout beds. Oh, and did I mention the cuisine of fresh figs on the trees in August? Pick them directly at your door in August, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOcU5oTYEHA&t=13s.

ust auf einen entscheidenden


Lust auf einen entscheidenden, exzellenten Urlaub? Suchen Sie nicht mehr ----, denn die Reservierung eines Urlaubs bei uns wird eine unterhaltsame Freizeit sein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3VPQxipEDk. Entfliehen Sie den lästigen Problemen des Lebens und lassen Sie sich einfach am Strand der Villa Ivana schwimmen. In Ostricka luka sind wir in einem senkrechten Winkel zusammengebrochen.


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